
Happy New Year #DreamTeam Bloggers Linky 139

Happy New Year and welcome to the #DreamTeam bloggers linky with hosts; me, Heather from Shank You Very Much  and Annette from 3littlebuttons.

Firstly as we head towards the end of 2018 I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who have joined in with the #DreamTeam linky this year and especially to those who have included our badge and commented on your fellow bloggers posts.  Also a huge thank you goes to Heather and Annette for inviting me to join the team of hosts and making me feel so welcome.


I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and have some fabulous plans to see in the New Year.  Now I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, but I do make plans for the year ahead and in 2019 I am aiming to be more organised so that I can get this house in order and get those kids to school before the bell every day.  I know I know I am aiming too high!!

This week’s linky is a photo blog post linky.  We would love all DreamTeamers to link up with a photo blog post that captures New Year for you.  In case you aren’t sure what a photo post might be like then click here to see an example. 

Christmas Dream Team

My post is images that sum up New Year to me.  Some of them are New Year’s past and pre children and the others of what it is like now with our four littles.  Both ways are a great way to see in the New Year!  

#DREAMTEAM Featured Bloggers Badge

Navigating Baby
<div align="center"><a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Navigating Baby" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Navigating Baby" style="border: none; height: auto; width: 200px;" /></a></div>
Look, a button code made by Heather Keet!

Anyone who has been a featured #DreamTeam blogger can use this badge in any of their linked up posts.

Don’t forget to tag us in for retweets over on twitter –  Annette ((@3_LittleButtons), Heather (@HeatherKeet) and Kirsty (@NavigatingBaby) 


      1. Add one post to the #DreamTeam linky, which goes live every Tuesday morning at 6am (Christmas and New Year Linkys are opening on Monday) and will close on Thursday at 9pm
      2. Add the #DreamTeam linky badge or a text link to the bottom of your linked up post. If you are adding this to a side/bottom bar or linky page, please do ensure this is clear to avoid being missed out of commenting.
      3. Share your post on twitter with the linky hashtag #DreamTeam. Tag in your hosts for retweets @3_LittleButtons, @HeatherKeet and @navigatingbaby
      4. Please comment on each of the hosts linked posts PLUS the post directly before your own (a total of 4 posts as a minimum). If the post before your own does not carry the #DreamTeam badge or text link, you are not required to leave a comment.
      5. Optional. Get into the party spirit and tweet/add comments to any additional posts you have really enjoyed. Other bloggers are more likely to return the favour if you do! It’s a #winwin all round. As hosts, we will aim to retweet your posts again as we read them, as long as you have included your twitter handle in your sharing buttons.
  1. Navigating Baby
    <div align="center"><a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Navigating Baby" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Navigating Baby" style="border: none; height: auto; width: 200px;" /></a></div>

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