It’s Sunday evening in the house of chaos and I have just been polishing shoes, checking book bags and prepping school uniforms in preparation for the school run tomorrow morning. I have the Sunday blues! These are a bit like that sinking feeling that you get when you have to go to a job you don’t like on a Monday. For me they are caused by the school run. I hate the school run and it seems from talking to other mums and doing some research I am not alone. Today I have been thinking about why it is just so darn stressful. I try to be organised and we do the same stuff every day and yet more often than not we are rushing and just scrape in as the bell rings.
5 reasons I hate the school run
- I am heavily out numbered. It is 4:1… So whilst I am supervising one little another has a great opportunity to wreak havoc. I hear tell tale sounds of taps running, fridges opening and my blood pressure starts to rise often before I have even made it out of the bedroom.
- It’s bad for my health. I am sure being cross almost every morning by 8:45am cannot be good for a person and it certainly causes me untold stress
- I feel guilty after drop off – if I get cross with them I just hate it afterwards. If they are messing around or not listening as we get to roads I have to get cross. Sometimes they just don’t listen and this shouty version of me appears… I want them to always know I love them and so can’t stand starting a day on a grumpy note.
- Time moves faster between the hours of 8am and 8:40am – honestly it does! I swear we can be all dressed and eating breakfast by 7:30am and still I will be rushing around like a crazy person at 8:40am alternating between finishing my breakfast, giving out seconds and thirds to littles and checking that everyone has shoes on.
- For us it is almost always a school run… See point 4 It just sucks to have to make such little people rush and rush. I want them to have time to play, but life is not like that and we are almost always running down the road with me hollering ‘ come on boys you can do it – faster’ whilst I push the double buggy and try to breathe. That is no way for anyone to start the day.
Look, I know this is not the most stressful thing in the world. If the school run is the worst thing that happens tomorrow I will consider myself more than a bit lucky. It’s still true though – I hate the school run and I can’t wait for the holidays to start!
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