reading with toddlers

The 5 best books to read to toddlers

The best books to read to Toddlers; these are ones you will both enjoy!

I love to read and have gotten so much joy from books over the years.  Some of my fondest memories are of my dad enthusiastically playing all members of the Famous Five as he read to us at night. I wanted to instil the same love in my children so that they too could love reading and so we have a lot of books for toddlers, but some are really no fun so I have made a list of the 5 best books to read to toddlers (in my opinion)

best books to read to toddlers

I have always tried to read with them, but I have to say that when my boys were toddlers they struggled to sit still for long enough to read a book.  My twin girls on the other hand love a good book.  Sometimes they love to eat them and lately they have enjoyed taking them all out and using them as stepping stones –  honestly this has been one of their favourite games over the past few weeks! 

But the thing they like best is getting together their favourite books and snuggling up in a den or on the sofa for a good old read.  There are so many books we love, but these are the best 5 books to read to toddlers that we have found.


The 5 best books to read to toddlers – according to our four kids

Usborne Books First Thousand Words in English –  This is not a story book as such but it is great as each illustration has so many different things going on that it really promotes conversation. It is designed to teach toddlers loads of vocabulary, but by using fun pictures to associate words to items.  They love to use it as a spot it book and both have favourite pages to look at. Each page is so full of stuff to see it is great to keep toddlers occupied and learning at the same time.  We use this one a lot to help with my daughter’s speech delay

Campbell Books No More Nappies – it is no secret that potty training one of my twins has been nothing short of a nightmare.  It has taken so very long and the carpets are destroyed…. this book has been a great way of having the conversation about where we do you know what without driving her mad as they just love this book.  It has pull down tabs and lift up flaps concealing wee and poo accidents and even pulling up and down nappies.  They both love it and it has a sister book about going to bed which has been hugely useful.  They just love anything that has some interactivity.


There’s an Ouch in my Pouch! – This one has been a firm favourite in our house for many years.  It is such a sweet tale of a kangaroo getting a new sibling and is filled with great characters including a rather menacing dingo.  I feel compelled to do a variety of voices and bad aussie accents whenever we read this one and so far the kids are impressed.  I am waiting for the day when they ask me to stop…

best books to read to toddlers

The Dinosaur that pooped series – My children are all about toilet humour!  If there is a reason that they can find to talk about poop they are all in so they are pretty much obsessed with these books.  It makes them laugh so much to hear me talking about poop that we are onto a winner from the get go, but I must say the hilarity caused means these are not pre bed time books in our house.

Room on the Broom – its a classic I know and it never fails to enthral my toddlers.  I actually love reading it too.  I can virtually recite now I have read it so very many times, but the way the book is written is so fabulous that it makes it easy to read in an engaging way for toddlers.  If you have little ones and don’t have this book amongst the collection I totally recommend getting it. I am yet to find a child who doesn’t love this one.

So those are my top 5 and so best books to read to toddlers, but there are so many other toddler books that we have read again and again and adored so here a few extras…  These could also have been on my best books to read to toddlers if it weren’t a top 5 😉 The Gruffaloir?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=B00JWNHHQ6, The Gruffalo’s Childir?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=B00JWNH8GU, The Tiger Who Came to Teair?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=0007215991, There’s a Monster in Your Bookir?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=0141376104, Rabbit’s Nap (Tales From Acorn Wood)ir?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=1447273419, Ten Little Dinosaurs Board Bookir?t=navigatingbab 21&l=am2&o=2&a=140834646X . 

I really hope that they all go on to love reading as I do think it is the most amazing way to escape from the world and forget about reality.  I still love a good sit down with a book and when I stop needing to read all of these gems to the littles I might have time to do it again.  In the meantime do share with me any books that you would recommend for reading with toddlers as although these are fab sometimes a girl needs a change….

Best books to read with toddler

23 thoughts on “The 5 best books to read to toddlers”

  1. A really nice list. room on the broom is a fab book and i still have it even though my kids have outgrown it. I also love all usborne books – a wide range and so colourful. #dreamteam

  2. love room on the broom! my favorite is each peach pear plum, i can recite that book off the top of my head. The potty training one looks good and the 1000 words one. I love books that help my daughter learn new words #dreamteam

  3. There are si many books that i love too…..i read many picture book as part of my job…but agree that any by julia donaldson are always a hit with little ones! #dreamteam

  4. Love LOve love room on the broom! I am going to have to look into the others we love books in our house and I am always on the hunt for some new good ones. #dreamteam

  5. What a fab list of books to read. Room on the broom is still one of our favourites. Love that your dad did all the voices! I try to do this too and have recently started on Harry Potter with the little. Though I think I’m enjoying it way more than she is at the moment! Thanks for bring an awesome #dreamteam host xx

    1. I should do Harry Potter with my reluctant reader. I think that might engage him and I would love reading them all again too! #DreamTeam

  6. We’ve always loved the tiger who came to tea. my 3 year old really enjoys the blue kangaroo books, and always has a good laugh at oi frog and oi dog. We’ve never actually read room on the broom, so maybe that will be next for us. #dreamteam

  7. Great choices and I love returning to the books I used to read to mine back in the day to get in touch with my inner child and sometimes theirs too #Dreamteam

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