
Happy Birthday to our little boy

BirthdayThis time 5 years ago I was sat in a hospital nervously preparing to meet our number two and preparing to go from doting mummy of one to the unknown – mummy of two.  Yes it’s birthday time for one of our littles and this weekend marks the start of crazy birthday season in our house.  5 out of 6 of us are born within a month of one another and it all starts now with our youngest boy turning 5.

I can hardly believe that I am writing that.  In many ways he still seems so very little.  He comes to my bed in the middle of the night because he is frightened and wants a cuddle from his mummy.  He is caring and gentle with his little sisters and is nervous of doing new things on his own.  The outside world wouldn’t necessarily know that about him as he is loud and full of bravado.  People often say how confident he is and when he is strutting his stuff he seems so much older, but I know that it isn’t the truth.  This little boy had mummy and daddy all but snatched away from him when he was just two with the arrival of his twin sisters.  I know he found that really tough.  I will forever be sad about how it made him feel, but I know I did everything I could to make sure he knew how special he is too.  This little boy wants to do the right thing and get it right, but he is mischievous and sometimes thatgets the better of him.  That cheeky little grin melts my heart and he is the funniest little thing ever so I hope he keeps some of that spark although not enough to land him in trouble with the head teacher!

Happy Birthday

I asked him today what he thought it would be like being 5.  He said he would be a big boy!  I don’t know what that exactly means, but I hope it means that I still get lots of cuddles and that he does funny walks and dances whenever the mood takes him.

So to the boy whose middle name means ‘Little Man’ on your 5th Birthday thank you for being your little bonkers self. You make me laugh everyday – even on the days you make me crazy! Never think because you are the ‘middle child’ that you don’t have a special place – you do!  We love you and you are the glue that holds you all together.  Happy Birthday Little Man and you will always be my baby boy.

Mummy xx

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